York, ME Public Insurance Adjusters

We are helping York, ME home, condominium, and business owners with insurance claims for winter storms, ice dams, and water damage claims in these areas:

  • Long Beach

  • Concordville

  • York Town Center

  • Other areas not listed — please call us.

We work for you to maximize your claim!

Global Patriot Adjusters is a company built on the single goal of bringing every dollar deserved to clients from an insurance claim. We maintain the best reputation in the Public Adjuster business because we take every claim for every client as a project with personal ownership and accountability. We pride ourselves on working with our clients to produce the best possible outcome. By working with clients as opposed to for them, we are able to understand their wants and needs to achieve our goal. 

Specializing in mold damage, storm damage, ice dams, wind damage, sink holes, and more — we can help.

Please call Marc Lancaric 800-654-3041 with any questions about our Maine insurance adjusting services.

Global Patriot Adjusters is currently working to help with wind and storm damage insurance claims In Portland Maine.

About York, Maine

York is a somewhat small coastal town (i.e. on the ocean, a bay, or inlet) located in the state of Maine. With a population of 12,862 people and two constituent neighborhoods, York is the 16th largest community in Maine.

York is also nautical, which means that parts of it are somewhat historic and touch the ocean or tidal bodies of water, such as inlets and bays. Quite often, nautical areas such as these attract visitors and locals who come to enjoy the scenery and various waterfront activities.